Monday, May 13, 2024

Skadi, Hunting her Passion, Revenge Her Goal

Nothing pleased the Jotunn Skadi more then to be hunting while skiing in the snows of her beloved mountains. Yet, Skadi, Goddess of Winter Skiing, Bowhunting & Hunting, one of the most powerful mountain Jotunn when angered is not a woman to trifle with. 
When the gods of Asgard killed her father after he had captured the goddess Idunn (see: World Historyprof: My Golden Apples Restore Youth for more on this story), Skadi took up her wargear and set out to take bloody revenge on the gods.
After fighting her way to Asgard, the gods attempted smooth her anger through the time-honored traditions of offering Skadi reparations for her loss. Skadi refused their offer of gold jewels and other riches and countered with two demands to sedate her lust for revenge. First, the gods must make her laugh and second, she be allowed to choose one of the gods as her husband!

Loki was able to fulfill Skadi's first demand with an act that was both embracing and humorous. The gods then allowed Skadi to choose one of the gods for her mate. But she had to choose her male only by looking at their feet, as the rest of the god's bodies were hidden behind a curtain. While she did choose the most beautiful feet, she was surprised to find that they belonged to one of the oldest gods, the Vanir, Njord the God of Sea and Winds. So, a goddess of the mountains was wed to a god of the seas, a marriage of opposites that seemed doomed to fail, but that is another tale.
Skadi is a plastic piece 70mm (2.76 in.) that I painted last week.

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