Saturday, May 11, 2024

Atlas the Ultimate Titan is FREE

The powerful Atlas has broken his bonds and is ready to rain down his vengeance on those who put him in bondage! Especially the hated Zeus.

Atlas the son of the Oceanid and the Titan Lapetus, leader of the Titanomachy war against the Olympian Gods condemed to 
hold the World on his shoulders for his action holds a deep-seated hatred for those same gods.
For uncounted centuries he has brooded and planed his revenge while holding the crushing weight upon his shoulders.
And now he is free, free to smash, crush mangle and destroy those who his tortured mind has blamed for his cruel punishment. 
Their destruction will be a soothing balm to the mind of the great Titan. So focused is Atlas upon his hatred that thought that he may once again be defeated and again imprisoned has never entered into his fevered brain. So, beware gods of Olympus Atlas is and angry...
Atlas is a 110 mm (4.33 inches) plastic piece I finished today.

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