Thursday, July 25, 2024

Even Goblins Need Cooks

Armies travel on their stomachs, is an all too true statement.
This is all the more true for goblins, who while not known for their sophisticate pallets, are basically always hungry. This is probably due to the habit of their brutal Orc cousins of taking the lion's share of any food, loot, prisoners, bodies etc. from raids and battles.
This "Mess" Crew of goblins has used every source to try to gather enough food for the next tribal meal. They follow the old custom of" slice it up, put it in pots, heat it up and EAT!"
These are plastic pieces that I painted in June. They make for a very different & humorous 'Warband" of goblins for either D&D or Warhammer fantasy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ragnarök Heros and Troops

Finished painting my second box of Ragnarök, thirty game pieces. Top to Bottom, Left to Right:3 Joms Vikings, 4 Valarian Guard. Brunhilda,5 Seers. Egil, 5 Curse Ones. Gullveic, 4 Jofurr. Harald Hardrada, King Harolf Krak and 4 Huscarls.
The pieces unpainted and fresh in the box from Monolith. All are beautifully detailed plastic pieces and a true pleasure to paint.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some Huts are Better Than Others

A couple of 15mm scale peasant hut from Monoliths Joan of Arc Teutonic Knights game.
The walls behind the huts are also from the same game set.
As usual for Monolith the etail on their pieces are excellent.
These are all plastic pieces.

Monday, July 22, 2024

News from the North-West Frontier. Maj. Fredrick "Big-Red" MacGreggoor observes his beloved "Fore and Afts" mop up after another successful engagement with the Afghani's. To the uninitiated the Fore and Aft's also go by the name "Gloster's" (28th Gloucestershire Regt.) and are one of the Imperial protectors of the Raj! "God Save the Queen-Empress!"
"Big-Red" MacGreggoor is as brave as his name and never asks one of his men or officers to face danger unless he is in the lead. Neither does he broke lax training, as he works his men to a fine fight edge. In his words "Well trrainned, well feeddd  and fitt soljjiers have the best chance to suurvvee."
He has several scars from both blades and bullets to show for his fearless leadership. And has been known to risk death to rescue even the lowest ranked wounder or cut off soldier.
His men will never tell him to his face but their nickname for their beloved major is "Poppa Red" the office who cares for his men as if they were his own family.
Maj. Fredrick "Big-Red" MacGreggoor is a metal piece from the excellent Canadian Pulp Figures manufacturer.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fun With Pencil & Pape

Today's post will be a few of my pencil drawings
Two Japanese losses...
at Guadalcanal
"Lady in Black"
"Last Berth"
"Fantasy World"
These were all done in 2018-19, as therapy for medical issues.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Roman Legionaries Then and Now?

 Two sets of the backbone of Roman power, nineteen centuries apart, the dreaded Legionaries. 

1st Century C.E. One of the most feared sights on the battlefield, a unit of Roman Legionaries on the attack. With the sure knowledge that they were the best soldiers in the World, these Imperial Legionnaires fear no one.  After a flight of pilums, it's time to hit the foes with the Gladius. "Death to the enemies of the Empire, and glory for the Legion." For almost two centuries, the legionaries of Rome enforced the "Pax Romana" (Peace of Rome) a time where most of Western Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean Sea were at peace, without a major war. An accomplishment that has never been duplicated to this very day.

Before the countless hordes of "Barbarian" invaders arrived in later centuries, it was often the truth that the greatest danger to a unit of Roman legionaries was another unit of Roman legionaries due to the frequent wars between rival factions for control of the Empire.  But that is a "Post Pax Romana" time, so for now these elites of Roman rule the Euro-Mediterranean World.

1900+ years later and a new force of Roman elite warriors has appeared in the Post Great War World.
As seen in this patrol from the hidden city-state of Novum Imperium Romanum Consularis Julius Augusts XXIII (New Roman Empire of Consul Julius Augusts XXIII) which protects the Empires hidden nature. Strangers they locate are either eliminated or made slaves of the Imperium. They are armed with the latest in Roman small arms weapons technology. 

Centurion Hadrius Corfortium is armed with a Electi Parvus Sagitta Dirigentes (Elite Small Arrow Shooting i.e. heavy submachinegun). Four troopers have the Parvus Sagitta Dirigentes (Small Arrow Shooting-i.e. a Submachinegun) Two have the Gravisbus Sagitta Dirigentis (Heavy Arrow Shooting-i.e. Assualt Rifle). Stong fire support is given by a Multi Sagittam  Dirigentis (Many Arrow Shooting-i.e Light Machinegun). While for serious problems the very deadly Constantinus Ignis Iaculator (Constantin's Fire Thrower-i.e. Flame Thrower) is always ready to burn away troublesome intruders. For defense, their Galea (Helmet), Lorica Segmentata (Body Armor), and Scutum (Large Shield) are made of Sagitta Probationem Metallum ("Bullet Proof" Metal).The Signifer is not just a standard, it is also the squads Missis Aer Nutiis Acciprentis (radio Transmitter/Receiver) The insulated helmet allows two-way communication with command base. 

Soon the day will come when the Novum Imperium Romanum will make itself known and the World will again tremble under the trod of Romes Legionnaires!

Friday, July 19, 2024

My, My What a Big Sword-umm Ears You Have

Theseus feels something strange is going on, like where is 1st Mate Ios? All the while the Sorceress Ciere is checking out her latest meal on four feet; men can be such pigs. Dinner just rebalances the many wrongs men have done to women is Ciere's feeling.
Ciere wonders what size of a pig the warrior with the big sword will turn into-and how juicy!
Both are plastic pieces that I painted in 2018.