Monday, May 27, 2024

Remembering the Fallen-Memorial Day 2024


Today Memorial Day honors all those who have fallen Americans who have fought in her military.

But it all started as a response to the losses in the War Between the States 1861-1865, starting with its first official Federal celebration on May 30, 1868, as Decoration Day. Mary Ann Williams is credited with the concept of decorating the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers with flowers to honor their sacrifice. For, be they Union Volunteers, Confederate Volunteers or regular troops like the United States Marines those that feel were Americans.

By World War Two, the term Memorial Day had largely displaced Decoration Day and in 1967 the Federal Holiday was official recognized as Memorial Day. Regardless of the name, for over 150 years Americans have honored those who gave the supreme sacrifice for their country. So, on this unofficial start of summer vacations day of fun, cookouts and parties, spare a moment of silence to those who died for our country.


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