Friday, April 26, 2024

Yes, Friday is Named for ME

It is only just that a day of the week, Friday, is named in my honor, for am I not Frigg, the wife of Oden, Goddess of the Sky & Fertility, greatest of all the Seers of Prophecy, protector of families, marriages, women and therefor the most important Goddess of the Aesir!
I and my 12 handmaidens daily weave the clouds of Midgard as I watch the fulfillment of my prophecies of all living things. Prophecies that for reasons known only to me I keep to myself.
As Queen of Asgard, it is my right to be the only god, apart from Oden himself, who is allowed to sit on the All-Fathers throne "Hlidskjalf" which has the power to observe all of the Nine Worlds.
With powers as vast as mine is it no wonder that a day of the week is dedicated to me for my glory.
To some I am called Frija, or Fri, to others I am Frea, but pronunciations are unimportant, my powers remain the same. So, honor me you mortals and remember for I am the Queen Goddess Frigg!
I painted this plastic model of the Goddess Frigg this month.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Poem or Death-Choose

I am Egill Skallagrimsson (circa 910-990 c.e.), Poet/Saga teller by profession, warrior and killer by necessity. I have lived a full life, cross me and I will destroy you both physically and eternally though my sagas!
As a youth in Iceland, I composed my first saga and learned farming, then I found the joys of being a Berserker, killing to my heart's content on raids against my lords' foes.
Some claim I am headstrong, greedy for gold (who isn't) and vengeful. Others know me as a tender father, loyal friend, poet of renown and shy lover. In other words, a complex man.
It is true I killed Norway's King Eirikr Bloodaxes son, in a fair fight if I say so myself. But I made amends when I was captured by the king and in a single night composed the poem "Hofuthlause" (Head Ransom) that praised the virtues of King Eirikr in long (and tedious ha, ha) detail. Later, after the deaths of two sons, I composed "Sonatorrek (Revenge Denied), one my most meaningful poems. As I age, I have become more mellow and reflective, yet my axe remains sharp and my armor strong, so tread lightly less you incur my wrath.
Egill is a plastic piece I painted this week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Time for a New Ball, the Old One is too Bloody!

Every professional ball handler knows a good grip is important for game ball control.

Since blood is sticky it might be an advantage to a ball carrier. 
But this is not true for Blood Bowl vampire players as they find the aroma of fresh blood quite distracting,
So out with the bloody ball, in with a new ball and on with the game.
These are plastic piece I painted this month.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Blood for the Gods Gives them Life

Two Mexica-Aztec priests, Yaretzi and Xoctili, present the heart of their latest victim to the gods.
Aztec priests know that without the most precious of sacrifices, Human Blood, the gods will wither away and die. Therefore, only human sacrifices can save the World from the chaos and destruction the deaths of the gods would bring.
While every god needs human blood, some only require the sacrifice once a year.
Other, greater deities require a greater amount of human blood to prevent the destruction of the World. For those Gods, Yaretzi and Xoctili, are ready with their razor-sharp obsidian knifes to make the sacrifices need to prevent disaster.
Yaretzi and Xoctili are two old, circa 1970's, metal castings from Grenadier.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Good the Bad the Ugly the Beautiful, We Tell it like it is

We are the Seers, "Sisters" who know the futures of all things, men, Gods monsters and especially Heros. But do not expect us to tell you anything directly, for we prefer to use mystery in our prophecies. Those who can decipher our messages cannot avoid their fate, but they can prepare.
First of our order is Bodil (Commander), she is not our leader just our most senior member.
As her name implies, Hedda (Strife) is blunter in her messages to those who have problems with others.
Iben (Ebony) is a master of the darkest of prophecies, some say she relishes in the fear she sows.
Elise (God is My Oath) specializes in the futures of the gods and their chosen hero's,
Dagny (Day) does enjoy presenting pleasant prophecies. Yet, she is also known to present her negative visions in flowery poise that many a fool has interpreted completely wrong too their pain and sorrow.
I painted these five Norse Seers this week.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Blast from the Past: Major Charles Wimmingson Stappsman

 21 April 2013, and Major Charles Wimmingson Stappsman is introduced to the World.


Major Charles Wimmingson Stappsman CBE (Commander, Order of the British Empire), Sportsman, Big Game Hunter, Explorer...all around man and hero of the Empire. He is as comfortable with a whiskey and soda in his club as he is with a .440 Webley in a lost temple in some Imperial outpost.

Major Charles Wimmingson Stappsman is a 28mm metal piece from Foundry I painted circa 2012.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Lose more Elves That Way

The mangled body of Dark Elf Ec'Dkar Burntstrr is yet another tragic example of a warrior's overconfidence in the face of ruthless foes.
His foolish single-handed assault upon the opponent's unbroken line has led to this unsurprising result.
If only he had heeded the coach's words, " For the Dark God's sake Use YOUR SPEED to stary an arm's length away," before he rushed out on to the pitch vs the Lizardman team of Commander Grrr Bnsmshrr.  Instead, Ec'Dkar ran straight into the arms of Commander Grrr Bnsmshrr and his Boneheads. Now his team is going to have to pay the expenses of a resurrectionists to reanimate the late Dark Elf as his father, Count Quk'Dth  Burntstrr. is one of the team owners. Oh well, maybe the rich, entitled, idiot will learn to follow his coach's directions in the future. NOT!
Commander Grrr Bnsmshrr, and his Bonehead lineslizards.
The luckless Ec'Dkar Burntstrr is a kit bashed plastic Blood Bowl piece I put together and painted last week.

Undead Egyptian VP Terrain

Long lost Ancient Egyptian shields and bronze tipped spears wait to be grabbed by adventurers searching for treasures hidden in the desert sands.   
Too late will said adventurers find that these are cursed weapons that are guarded by undead warriors just waiting to be revived to take the lives of the living.  
This is a kit bashed piece of terrain that I built for an upcoming Pulp adventure.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Time Waits for No Man

      Ahh to be young again...

This picture of me and "Paint" at the family cattle ranch in California was taken circa 1974, at the same time I began to paint military miniatures.
A few years later I painted these metal 15mm (.59in.) Kentucky Cavalry of the War Between the States (These were the first Civil War pieces I painted as my first armies were Napoleonic and African Colonial Scrubby "N" scale miniatures). I painted the third man from the left as me based on the above photo. As Levi Jackets weren't common in the East that time. I'm wearing my leather jacket and red shirt.  I doubted Pintos were common in Southern Cavalry, so I painted my horse as a black Morgan like my Great-grandfather rode at the 28 July 1864, Battle of Ezra Church. 

50 years and 26,000+ figures later, I still have fond memories of those college days, early painted armies and countless miniature battles. My hair is grayer, and I need glasses, but I still have a passion for painting figures and miniature games. It seems that some things don't change with time LOL.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Death Can Not Stop The Draugr

Wanderers and adventurers beware the horrors of the Draugr. For neither the grave nor death itself can stop the Draugr from rampaging the lands of the living.
These undead spirits haunt the royal cairns and graveyard of Midgard and rise to destroy those that disturb their "homes," or to revenge themselves on those who wronged them when they lived.
These lost souls will themselves the power to animate their rotting corpses so as to wander in the lands of the living.
Yet they are not weak zombies but are actually much stronger than they were in life. As their evil spirts give their corrupted remains near superhuman strength with which they can reap their revenge upon the living. Some even retain the intelligence and magic powers they held when they were living.
I painted this plastic Draugr earlier this week.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Artillery Park VP

Artillery ready to be mounted makes a good victory point for a variety of games. 
These are 17th century pieces.
The cannons are plastic while the powder barrels are wood.
I make this VP terrain this week.