Friday, May 3, 2024

Pieces Painted in April

My first piece painted in April was the Great Eagle Hraesvelg.
I completed 67 pieces in April, including 20 pieces of Game Terrain and a 21- Blood Bowl team pieces. Here is the April list:
Ragnarök 13- Hraesvelg, Tanngjester, Tanngrisnir, Vidar, Draugr, 5 Seers, Egil, Frig & Skulda. Game Terrain 20- Bronze Triceratops, Dark Elf Casuality, 3-piece Cannon VP, 3-Gunpowder Barrels, 12 Egyptian shields & spears. Fantasy 2- 2-piece Skaven Warpstone Gun Team. Beasts 1- Pavan Safed Hathi-Aakash White Elephant. 16th Century 2- Aztec Priests. Napoleonic's 4- Grenadier, Voltigeur & 2 French Line Troops. Second World War 4- 4 French Guerillas. Blood Bowl 21- 1 Dark Elf Coin, 1 Dark Elf Turn Marker, 1 Vampire Turn Marker, 2 Vampire Coins, 2 Vampire Bat/Balls, 6 Vampires & 8 Minion Linesmen. All the pieces were plastic except for the Skaven Warpstone  gun team.
Last piece I paint in April was the Half-Elf, Half-Human Skulda.

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