Thursday, May 23, 2024

Huscarls, Guardians of the Jarls & Kings

Huscarls Bijorn Olafsen, Harald Gerybackk, Egill Ragnarson and Leif Rustberd have spent their adult lives fighting at the side of the lords in countless battles.
As elite members of their lord's household troop, Huscarls form the backbone of any combat force when the call goes out to muster the warriors of the noble's land for battle.
The number of Huscarls was in direct proportion to the fame and power of the king or jarl (earl in Britian). Yet as an elite force they usually made up less than 10 percent of and army.
At all times the Huscarls were the bodyguards of their lords as well as enforcers of their lords' laws, even as tax collectors.
The great loyalty of the Huscarls was rewarded by their lords in honor, wealth, maintenance of their appropriate lifestyle, and the right to a portion of the loot from any raid or battle. As time marched on the class of Huscarls morphed into or were replaced by the rising social/military classes of knights and formalized nobility titles.  
These Huscarls are plastic pieces I painted this week.

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