Monday, May 20, 2024

Target Acquired-Die Humanoid

When you want to takeout annoying humans, robots with no feelings or morals are always a good choice.
Such as the venerable, Atomo-Acme-Arms (A-A-A) 2099 LZY-1 mobile lazgun sentry.
She may be old, but LZY-1 is still reliable and able to put nice round holes though up to 40cm of steel. 
With a fully charged powerpack LZY-1 is good for up to two Solar hours of heavy fire (one hour if defensive shields are used). LZY-1 is a perfect, cost effective, choice for colonial frontier patrol duty where Imperial Space Fleet forces are not immediately available. 
Now A-A-A's new Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII is another story entirely. For while LZY-1 does need programing by local defense forces, the Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII is a fully self-aware unit with the latest 22nd century A-A-A Self Learning AI with the patented "Direct Obliteration Mechanic" (D.O.M.). 

D.O.M. allows the unit to engage and destroy enemies on sight at their discretion. Thereby freeing the field commanders to address the needs of the entire battlefield instead of micromanaging each Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII field unit with constant operational command updates.
Just point your Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII towards the enemy and let them rampage their way to victory!
There's is no need to worry about power, as the Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII is equipped with the patented Optimized-Overcharges-Power-Source (O.O.P.S.) that will keep your unit in peak combat performance for 50 Solar years without a recharge. The Cylon Prototype MK A-VIII is ready for mass production that will drastically reduce cost, so don't wait, you can be sure you opponents won't! 
Both are old 1970's metal pieces from Grenadier that I freshened up recently.

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