Sunday, May 19, 2024

Zombie-No, Reconstructed Body-Yes


Hagar Bld'Strr von Dod was once three and now is one.
For he is made up of the remains of three warriors whose bodies found their way into the lab of only slightly crazy Doctor Magnus Alkymist. As the mad doctors latest "experiment," Hagar Bld'Strr von Dod is part Dark Elf, part Viking, part Vampire Minion and even part Mechanical (the back of both lower legs).
Now released to roam the world, Hagar Bld'Strr von Dod, must fend for himself in a world that fears those who are different.
Rebuffed away at every turn, the poor creature is forced to survive in any way possible. Perhaps that is why so many chickens have suddenly gone missing from local homes...
Hagar Bld'Strr von Dod is made from a variety of bits and pieces as a fantasy construct.

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