Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Bard-Musician-Storyteller-Newsman

Bill Lavender-Bard Extraordinaire, prepares to perform to a new audience of villagers, who will hopefully give him room, board and coin of the realm for their entertainment. The travelling bard, was a common and looked forward to visitor to any Renaissance village or town. These multitalented performers were a combined newsman, storyteller, musician and singer. They travelled from town to town entertaining the populous with the latest news, gossip, songs and stories. Once the crowds, and money, dwindled as the townsfolk were sedated with his work, the bard would move on to the next village on his route, taking with him the latest news and gossip gained from this town to entertain and inform the next. As it might be as much as a year before the same bard revisited the same town, he was always welcomed with an attentive audience.
This is an old Grenadier metal 25mm D&D piece that I painted back in the late 1970's.

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