Friday, July 30, 2021

Odd Ball to the Rescue

Fresh from the European front comes Odd Ball's Sherman 76mm tank
Keeping his crew safe, Odd Ball has decided to keep his Sherman in reserve (out of the line of fire)
Odd Ball is a classic character from the class 1970's anti war comedy "Kelly's Hero's" movie.
Odd Ball has modified his Sherman with a loud speaker to a company battle with a musical score.
He carries some rounds that are filled with paint to make pretty pictures while in  battle. He also has a big metal tube to put on his 76mm to make it look like his Sherman is armed with a 90mm cannon -to scare the Germans (not the best of ideas as a dangerous 90mm armed Sherman tank would probably have drawn the fire from every anti gun the Germans had in the area.

Odd Balls Sherman is a "Hollywood" plastic and metal unit from Warlord Games. It comes with Odd Ball, Moriarty, the Guy in the Red Fez and the Other Guy. This was a birthday gift from Richard that I painted in 2019. 

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