Thursday, February 29, 2024

Beowulf, Killer of Monsters

Beowulf, Prince of the Geats of Gotaland (Southern Sweden), has heard of the monster Grendel who has terrorized the Danes of King Hrothgar.
With a select band of warrior companions, he sailed from Gotaland to the aid of the Danes.
The heroic warrior has sworn sacred oaths to destroy Grendel and free King Hrothgar's people from the murderous beast.
Soon it will be human vs monster in a fight to the death.
After its latest raid, Beowulf challenges the beastly creature.
The hero bests Grendel by tearing off one of the monster arms. Grendel slinks away to his den to die and the Danes rejoice.
But none have not taken into account Grendel's mother and her thirst for revenge.

Once again, the Hero of the Geats must battle an unearthly monster, Grendel's Modor.
Following the foul creature into the depths of her swamp home. His sword Hrunting is unable to pierce the creature tough hide and the battle goes against the Geat hero. Unbowed, Beowulf keeps fighting and seizing a giant's sword in the depths of the swamp he finally able to strike down Grendel's Modor. Once again, the Danes rejoice and the fame of "Beowulf the Monster Slayer" grows.
All these pieces a plastic from the game Ragnarok that I painted in February.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Nighttime is when Grendel's Modor Seeks Revenge


By the light of the Moon a visage of horror and vengeance rises from the swamps and heads towards King Hrothgar mead hall of Heorot. Those who killed her child Grendel will pay this night.
Filled with hate for all humans, it takes little to send her on a murdering frenzy.
To avenge her son, she plans on devouring as many of the hated men she can.
Attacking while they sleep will add to their terror as they wake to her fangs and claws at their throats.
That at least will be a start to her plans of endless night raids on these doomed souls.
Grendel's Modor is a plastic piece from the Ragnarok game that I painted this week.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Captain Hans von Knochenkopf to the Rescue

Captain Hans von Knochenkopf is known throughout the Bavarian Army as one of the bravest, and unluckiest officers of Duke Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria
Known to lead from the front, heedless of the physical dangers, the good captain is also known for his terrible sense of direction.
For more than once his valiant charges have led his forces to the exact wrong part of the battlefield. Have battles been lost or even won by his mistakes? No one knows, but his bravery can not be denied.
Captain Hans von Knochenkopf is a plastic piece I painted up this month.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Don't Wake Me- if Want to Win the Battle

Sleeping during a battle is a strange way to win unless you are the cursed Champion Bjarki. 
For while he sleeps, his spirit becomes the giant Werebear Bodvar Bjarki ...
who is a much more powerful and deadly fighter.
So, let Bjarki hibernate like a bear and
Bodvar Bjarki will help bring you victory in battle.
For more on his curse see the next post: World Historyprof: You Don't Want to Make Me ANGRY!
These are plastic pieces I painted this month.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

You Don't Want to Make Me ANGRY!

When calm, Norse warrior Bjarki is a human guard and champion of King Hrolf.
But when angry Bjarki transforms into a massive and deadly Werebear Bodva Bjarki.
Before Bjarki's birth, his young and handsome warrior father Bjorn spurned the sexual advances of his stepmother, the witch Hvit. Hvit cursed Bjorn who became a bear at night. He was soon killed in his bear form and the curse passed on to the triples his pregnant wife Bera was carrying.
The first born, Elgfrooi, was born human from the waist up and an elk body from the waist down. The second born, Thorir had the feet of a hound. While Bjarki appeared normal.
His power of bear transformation did not reveal itself until time of stress and danger when he was a warrior champion.
While his human body rests in a deep trance (likened by many to hibernation) his "spirit" becomes "Bodva  Bjarki the Werebear" who is free to destroy the enemies who have threatened Bjarki and those he is charged to protect.
You have been warned, avoid angering Bjarki or face the wrath of Bodva  Bjarki!
Bodva  Bjarki is another excellent casting from the Monolith game Ragnarok that I painted this month.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Nothing Says Good Morning Like a Cannon Blast

This Bavarian 6 pounder artillery crew is ready to reload after their early morning volley into the ranks British on August 13, 1704.
This crew is one of the 90 guns of the Pro-Bourbon Army at the Battle of Blenheim.
Their 6 pdr is one of the more common field pieces of the war.
With an effective range of over 500 meters.
The 6-pounder size artillery piece will be largely use in all the wars of the 18th century. And will see action will into the 19th. By the time of the American Civil War, it will be out classed by the 12 pounder and slowly disappear from the armies of the World powers.
This is a plastic kit I put together and painted this month.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Murderer in the Night - Grendel

Waiting for his victims to fall asleep is Grendel, the murdering monster who terrorized the Great Hall of King Hrothgar and his people in the depths of night.
Grendel, a giant Ogre of such immense strength that even the greatest of King Hrothgar's warriors were easily torn apart by the beast bare hands.
For 12 long years, no night was safe as none knew when Grendel would come to vent his hatred of humans on the people of King Hrothgar
An evil creature of darkness, from the depths of time, Grendel hates happiness, joyfulness and any who partake in celebrations. 
When the sounds of pleasure reach his ears in the swamps he calls home, Grendel crawls out of the muck and reeks his anger on those who have the audacity to enjoy life. Since none have been able to defeat him, Grendel will continue his murderous raids. Only the greatest of heroes has a chance against him... such as Beowulf!
Grendel is a beautiful plastic casting I painted this month.
To hear his full story read the epic poem Beowulf, I like Tolkien's 1926 translation the most.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

"Have You Never Heard of Chandragupta?"

Guru SHI sadhui Vasukar enjoys nothing more than education Europeans about the great history of India. Especially if they are puffed up British Imperial soldiers of the Raj.
Those that fail to honor the greatness of Inda may have a visit from the Gurus pet King Cobra "Nishchit Maut" (Sure Death). So, pay good attention.
For today's subject is the great Mauryan Warrior Emperor Chandragupta (390-298 BCE) who was a master tactician while Britian was ruled by a collection of Barbarian tribes. Chandragupta was the founder of the Mauryan Empire that ruled Northern India from Burma to Persia, crushing all those who stood in his way. Not bad for the pre-Gunpowder Age.
The Guru and his scene are metal pieces I painted this month.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Kill Me Again - If You Can For I AM GULLVEIG

As the mother of Lust, Lechery, Envy, Longing and Jealousy, the Enchantress Gullveg used her spells to cause the devastating war between the Aesir and Vanir Gods. Why she wove her spells on the Aesir to make war on the Vanir is known only to Gulleig.
When the Aesir of Asgard finally realized Gullveg was manipulating them they turned on her and killed her to expunge their guilty wants.
Over the objections of the Vanir, the Asgardians killed Gullveg,,, and she came back,
In great frustration they thrusted their greatest spears in to Gullveig's body speared and killed her again...yet again she came back to torment the Aesir. Only through the total destruction of her body was the spirit of Gullveig finally removed from the World...or was it?
Gulleig is a plastic piece I painted last week.