Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fresh Blood is the Best

 "I Love Blood and Ball Games" shouts Count Hagar von Poftsange, Co-Captain of the Venators Vampire Blood Bowl team. 
The count is so excited about the start of the bloody game he has partially transformed into a giant bat!
A transformation that is helping to hide the ball from his opponents. An advantage the count is using well as he scans the pitch for a likely victim to bean with the metal clad ball. Blood will soon fly, it is Blood Bowl you know.

Count Hagar von Poftsange is a plastic piece I painted this month.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Thanks, Britian, for the Antitank Weapon

French Forces of the Interior (FFI) members, Jean and Louis-Erik, form the heavy weapons team of their guerilla cell in South-Eastern France. As such they carry a large load of weapons and ammo.
Their most powerful weapon is a British "Projectile Infantry Antitank (PIAT) launcher, that was included in the latest airdrop from the British. As useful at taking out fortified positions as it is at tackling German armour, the PIAT is a valuable addition to their cell's firepower.
 As the rest of their weapons are captured Axis equipment (a MP 40 SMG, an Italian Bolero 1889 pistol and stick grenades) resupply of ammo and spare parts is haphazard at best. Maybe the next supply drop will include more British weapons and ammo.
Jean and Louis-Erik are kit-bashed pieces I created and painted over the weekend.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Do You Have a Question Young Hoplite?

By accident, our brave and cursed Hoplite, Hiktos Nuluk, has wandered into the realm of Mimir's Well. While staring into the deep pool, he hears a voice that appears both far away and way too close..."Do you have a question young hoplite. For I have the knowledge of the Universe to enlighten those who ask."
Turning around quickly, Nuluk is startled to see a bodyless head seemingly alive in the roots of a massive tree. Without hesitation he shouts, "Yes, can you really tell me the secrets of the universe?" Of course, all you needed to do was ask. Answered Mimir. "Because you see I need to know how to end this curs...what do you mean 'needed?'" I clearly said, do you have "a" question and I have answered your question...hee, hee, hee. Sorry, that's a god's humor for you. You see at present I can't fight you as Oden commands, so instead I crushed your hopes instead of your body. Go ahead and give me some whacks with your sword if it will make you feel better, replied Mimir. The dispirited and angry hoplite did just that!
Nuluk is a 25mm metal piece which gives a good idea of the size of Mimir.

Nuluks story:
Mimirs story:

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Two members of the French Resistance, Gabriel and Lucien, have learned to use whatever weapons they have captured from the hated Nazi invaders.
In this case, Lucien has mastered the use of the MG-34 general purpose machine gun. While his assistant, Gabriel has the always reliable Mauser Karabiner 98k. 
As a light machinegun team, the two guerillas bring a lot of firepower to any raid on the Germans that they join. After a successful attack they will loot the dead for more weapons and ammunition, therefore using their hated enemies' own weapons to aid French resistance. Vive la France!
Lucien and Gabriel are two plastic kit bashed pieces I put together and painted this weekend. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

From Work in Progress to Finished Pieces

Earlier this month I posted some WIP pictures, here are all the pieces finished.  The full story of the figures and additional pictures are in the link below each finished piece.
The Nordic Goddess Frigg and God Vidar (both Monolith) Rattling Warpgun (GW). 
Frigg is ready to weave the clouds.
Vidar in all his warrior glory.
Skaven Rattling Gunner Cree'Nkk and Pumper Krppup ready to blast their enemies.
Seven Vampire Team Blood Bowl figures (Citadel) and a White Elephant (Wildspire).
Hans von Biitar, Co-Captain of the Noteum Venatores Blood Bowl Team.
Vampire Blitzer Amator Sanguinis-Opus and Runner Ismeralda von Sanguinis-Luxurias, vital members of  Noteum Venatores. 
Minion Linemen are the backbone of the Noteum Venatores Vampire Team.
Pavan Safed Hathi-Aakash is ready for Peace or War!
Five Ragnarök Seers (Monolith). 
Seer Sisters Bodi, Iben, Hedda, Elise & Dagny know all and will tell all-if you can decipher their meanings.

All are plastic except for the Skaven and were painted earlier this month.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Yes, Friday is Named for ME

It is only just that a day of the week, Friday, is named in my honor, for am I not Frigg, the wife of Oden, Goddess of the Sky & Fertility, greatest of all the Seers of Prophecy, protector of families, marriages, women and therefor the most important Goddess of the Aesir!
I and my 12 handmaidens daily weave the clouds of Midgard as I watch the fulfillment of my prophecies of all living things. Prophecies that for reasons known only to me I keep to myself.
As Queen of Asgard, it is my right to be the only god, apart from Oden himself, who is allowed to sit on the All-Fathers throne "Hlidskjalf" which has the power to observe all of the Nine Worlds.
With powers as vast as mine is it no wonder that a day of the week is dedicated to me for my glory.
To some I am called Frija, or Fri, to others I am Frea, but pronunciations are unimportant, my powers remain the same. So, honor me you mortals and remember for I am the Queen Goddess Frigg!
I painted this plastic model of the Goddess Frigg this month.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Poem or Death-Choose

I am Egill Skallagrimsson (circa 910-990 c.e.), Poet/Saga teller by profession, warrior and killer by necessity. I have lived a full life, cross me and I will destroy you both physically and eternally though my sagas!
As a youth in Iceland, I composed my first saga and learned farming, then I found the joys of being a Berserker, killing to my heart's content on raids against my lords' foes.
Some claim I am headstrong, greedy for gold (who isn't) and vengeful. Others know me as a tender father, loyal friend, poet of renown and shy lover. In other words, a complex man.
It is true I killed Norway's King Eirikr Bloodaxes son, in a fair fight if I say so myself. But I made amends when I was captured by the king and in a single night composed the poem "Hofuthlause" (Head Ransom) that praised the virtues of King Eirikr in long (and tedious ha, ha) detail. Later, after the deaths of two sons, I composed "Sonatorrek (Revenge Denied), one my most meaningful poems. As I age, I have become more mellow and reflective, yet my axe remains sharp and my armor strong, so tread lightly less you incur my wrath.
Egill is a plastic piece I painted this week.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Time for a New Ball, the Old One is too Bloody!

Every professional ball handler knows a good grip is important for game ball control.

Since blood is sticky it might be an advantage to a ball carrier. 
But this is not true for Blood Bowl vampire players as they find the aroma of fresh blood quite distracting,
So out with the bloody ball, in with a new ball and on with the game.
These are plastic piece I painted this month.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Blood for the Gods Gives them Life

Two Mexica-Aztec priests, Yaretzi and Xoctili, present the heart of their latest victim to the gods.
Aztec priests know that without the most precious of sacrifices, Human Blood, the gods will wither away and die. Therefore, only human sacrifices can save the World from the chaos and destruction the deaths of the gods would bring.
While every god needs human blood, some only require the sacrifice once a year.
Other, greater deities require a greater amount of human blood to prevent the destruction of the World. For those Gods, Yaretzi and Xoctili, are ready with their razor-sharp obsidian knifes to make the sacrifices need to prevent disaster.
Yaretzi and Xoctili are two old, circa 1970's, metal castings from Grenadier.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Good the Bad the Ugly the Beautiful, We Tell it like it is

We are the Seers, "Sisters" who know the futures of all things, men, Gods monsters and especially Heros. But do not expect us to tell you anything directly, for we prefer to use mystery in our prophecies. Those who can decipher our messages cannot avoid their fate, but they can prepare.
First of our order is Bodil (Commander), she is not our leader just our most senior member.
As her name implies, Hedda (Strife) is blunter in her messages to those who have problems with others.
Iben (Ebony) is a master of the darkest of prophecies, some say she relishes in the fear she sows.
Elise (God is My Oath) specializes in the futures of the gods and their chosen hero's,
Dagny (Day) does enjoy presenting pleasant prophecies. Yet, she is also known to present her negative visions in flowery poise that many a fool has interpreted completely wrong too their pain and sorrow.
I painted these five Norse Seers this week.