I am Egill Skallagrimsson (circa 910-990 c.e.), Poet/Saga teller by profession, warrior and killer by necessity. I have lived a full life, cross me and I will destroy you both physically and eternally though my sagas!
As a youth in Iceland, I composed my first saga and learned farming, then I found the joys of being a Berserker, killing to my heart's content on raids against my lords' foes.
Some claim I am headstrong, greedy for gold (who isn't) and vengeful. Others know me as a tender father, loyal friend, poet of renown and shy lover. In other words, a complex man.
It is true I killed Norway's King Eirikr Bloodaxes son, in a fair fight if I say so myself. But I made amends when I was captured by the king and in a single night composed the poem "Hofuthlause" (Head Ransom) that praised the virtues of King Eirikr in long (and tedious ha, ha) detail. Later, after the deaths of two sons, I composed "Sonatorrek (Revenge Denied), one my most meaningful poems. As I age, I have become more mellow and reflective, yet my axe remains sharp and my armor strong, so tread lightly less you incur my wrath.
Egill is a plastic piece I painted this week.