Sunday, June 23, 2024

WIP Figures late June '24

Big variety of figures to work on-Fantasy, Mythic and Historical. 
Front to back, right to left:
Hatching Dragon VP, 6 Goblin Cooking crew, 5 Imperial British 19th century officers, Hrolf Kraki & Harald Hardrada, Sgt. Preston of the Mounties-mounted and on foot ("Yukon King" is already painted), Hyrrokkin, Treelord and Thor.
The dragon is just primed, the rest are from 10% to 80% completed.
The British offices and Sgt. Preston are metal pieces all the rest are plastic.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fighting When Winter Comes Early

Fresh from the Italian Front, this photo showing some of our brave boys manning a .30 cal. Browning machinegun. Old Man Winter has come early, and these GI's have only had time to dawn thick woolen scarves (cut from worn-out blankets) and dab some white paint on their helmets.
Some frozen earth and improvised wire defense are all this team has had time set up to protect their machinegun nest.
In addition to the .30 cal. Browning, each member of the team has an additional weapon for close defense.
The gunner has a holstered Colt .45 1911 pistol.
The loader has the reliable .30 cal. M-1 Garand slung on his right shoulder.
While the ammo carrier has a .45 cal. Tommy Gun SMG with a bandolier of additional magazines on his chest.
So let the fight begin.
(I reality, with such little cover the kneeling ammo carrier would be an easy target.)
These are metal pieces I painted earlier this month.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mechanics or Dragon Bones-You Choose

Two nice game V.P.'s/Totems from "Godtear."
A trove of tools and a victory trophy of dragon skulls.


These are plastic pieces I painted yesterday.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Don't Dare Touch My Ruby High Heels

Robyne Edelsteen is all action when her Ruby Heels are on the line. 'Cause, what's an exotic dancer without her favorite shoes!
When she gets serious, Robyne uses a two-fisted submachine attack ("Silent-kiss & Boomer") that never fails to make her point.
Silent-kiss & Boomer also enliven her act at the "Fists Full of Fire Exotic Dance Cafe" where Robyne's the star attraction. Entertainment in the Dystopian Future is much more "energetic" than it was in the past.
Robyne Edelsteen is a plastic piece I painted this month.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

First Tray of Ragnarök Completed

The tray on the left is 100% painted now:
From top to bottom, left to right-
4 Ulfhednar
Skuld & Three Berserkers
Revenge Lagertha, Shieldmaiden Lagertha & 4 Shieldmaidens
Sigurd, Sigmund & 4 Light Elves 
Beowulf, Sleeping Bjarki & 3 Dwarves
All are plastic pieces I have painted this year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Expert with Pistol & Rifle-No Problem

Rifle or pistol, it doesn't matter to Ima Dedi pre-teen markswoman extraordinaire. 
Since she could hold a firearm, Ima has spent countless hours sharpening her shooting skills. She is especially talented with scoped weapons.
In the Dystopian World, where even children need to be able to fight, such abilities are valuable skills are actual lifesavers.
Ima is a plastic piece I painted in May.

Monday, June 17, 2024

We Ulfhednar give Berserkers a Run for Their Gold

Beware the Ulfhednar on the hunt...
for their goal is to out berserk the Berserker's in blood and terror.
Fearless, immune to all but the most fatal of injuries, Ulfhednar in the heat of "Bloodlust" are near unstoppable.
Being less famous than the bearlike Berserkers only fuels the Wolf-Brothers lust for more glory through ever more daring/crazy exploits.
So, when you see a group of crazed Ulfhednar warriors run!
For if you wait 'till they close it is way too late...
These Ulfhednar are plastic pieces that I painted earlier this month.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

Dad and my Uncle Pete are long gone but are in my heart every day. More like brothers than brothers-in-law, dad and Pete were lifetime role models for all of their children, nephews and nieces.  I wouldn't be the man or father I am today without them. I hope you had as good of role models in your life. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sometimes Scouts Need to Fight Back

While on a scouting mission, Pvt. Mike "Tommy-Gun" MacBanging takes aim at some enemies he surprised.
As a scout, combat is not his mission, but Mike "Tommy-Gun" is not known for a willingness to backdown from a firefight. Especially when the enemy has appeared on his return route to H.Q.
After a brief firefight, Mike, hits the gas to complete his mission. When he gets back to H.Q., he will have time to add three more notches to the nine on his stock. These of course are on his Army issued Tommy Gun, only his closest friends know that his personal Thompson back in the States has an even twenty. It's not surprising that he got his nickname as an enforcer/torpedo in Boston, before the War. 
As Mike sees it, what the Army doesn't know about his past has no relationship to his responsibilities as a soldier. It is his patriotic duty to fight and kill the enemy, right?
Mike is a kit-bashed plastic piece I made and painted this month.

Friday, June 14, 2024

I Will Keep the Peace-or Else

When times are tough, you need a hard as rock leader like Kapitein van de Politie Frederika Saar Leiderblauw.
In the Dystopian World of the Future, Kapitein Leiderblauw is firm believer that the use of force first makes the situation easier to handle later.
Hense the fact that when a situation arises, she goes in with "Weapons Free."
In such cases, she has her Colt .45 in hand and an AK-47 at the ready.
With the peace secure, for now, Kapitein van de Politie Frederika Saar Leiderblauw heads back to her office. Frederika is confident in her abilities to keep her community safe and secure from the everyday dangers her people face. For those more extreme cases she calls in her heavy hitters Shakil and Onshhot (see: World Historyprof: Female Security Rules in the Dystopian Future).
 Kapitein van de Politie Frederika Saar Leiderblauw is a plastic piece I kit-bashed and painted this week.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Treelord Stogens Herre WIP Pt 2

Stogens Herre the Treelord is ready for his first layers of his base main colors.
Beige & Antique White.
Standing 14.6 cm (5.75 in.), Stogens Herre is a big miniatures piece and will be quite imposing on the tabletop. Next up dry brush layers of browns, greens and greys.