Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sometimes Scouts Need to Fight Back

While on a scouting mission, Pvt. Mike "Tommy-Gun" MacBanging takes aim at some enemies he surprised.
As a scout, combat is not his mission, but Mike "Tommy-Gun" is not known for a willingness to backdown from a firefight. Especially when the enemy has appeared on his return route to H.Q.
After a brief firefight, Mike, hits the gas to complete his mission. When he gets back to H.Q., he will have time to add three more notches to the nine on his stock. These of course are on his Army issued Tommy Gun, only his closest friends know that his personal Thompson back in the States has an even twenty. It's not surprising that he got his nickname as an enforcer/torpedo in Boston, before the War. 
As Mike sees it, what the Army doesn't know about his past has no relationship to his responsibilities as a soldier. It is his patriotic duty to fight and kill the enemy, right?
Mike is a kit-bashed plastic piece I made and painted this month.

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