Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fighting When Winter Comes Early

Fresh from the Italian Front, this photo showing some of our brave boys manning a .30 cal. Browning machinegun. Old Man Winter has come early, and these GI's have only had time to dawn thick woolen scarves (cut from worn-out blankets) and dab some white paint on their helmets.
Some frozen earth and improvised wire defense are all this team has had time set up to protect their machinegun nest.
In addition to the .30 cal. Browning, each member of the team has an additional weapon for close defense.
The gunner has a holstered Colt .45 1911 pistol.
The loader has the reliable .30 cal. M-1 Garand slung on his right shoulder.
While the ammo carrier has a .45 cal. Tommy Gun SMG with a bandolier of additional magazines on his chest.
So let the fight begin.
(I reality, with such little cover the kneeling ammo carrier would be an easy target.)
These are metal pieces I painted earlier this month.

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