Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Your Head is Mine!

The head of King Froh of Sweden is seen as a just price for him to pay for the pain, suffering and humiliation he heaped upon Lagertha and her family.
In response to the enslavement and murder of most of her family by King Froh, Lagertha det Ukuelige (the Indomitable) became the spirit of vengeance as she used her combat prowess to help lead her people to freedom. 
Her fighting skills gained her the respect of many warriors, none less than the great hero Ragnar Lodbrok, whose heart she captured. She and her ally Ragnar would fight many bloody battles together before they parted ways. She to rule in Norway, he to marry King Herraud's daughter, Thoa Borgarhjort.
Lagertha is a plastic piece I painted in May.

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