Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Lobos and the Civitas Crystallini Adventure Part-Six Victors, Losers & Revelations

Los Lobos survivors- Dr.Vaquero, Dr. Sirrandon, Dr. Jon, Carlos. Dr. Jonsen & Pedro.

Key facts of the report to the Escuela Los Lobos Executive Campaign Committee on the Los Lobos Rescue Expedition.

 1/Dr, Linda Vaquero and her aide Dr. Suzzann Sirrandon were rescued and are positive no other survivors are alive from the first expedition. The two doctors believed they survived due to the need for intelligent female "breeding stock" by the Hidden Empire.  They were extremely lucky to be on the surface when Dr. Jon's party arrived as they were cleaning up after providing food for the exterior guards. (Refer to sub-page 233.05 for a full report on the doctors' experiences and observations of the "Hidden Novum Imperium Romanum.")

2/ Four members of the Jons' Party died, Gaston, Julien, Pierre & Robbie. Suitable compensation will be made to their families and full education benefits to their offspring who will be encouraged to join the Los Lobos Organization when ready. Suitable rewards and promotions have been made to the survivors, especially to Doctors Vaquero, Sirrandon and Jons.

3/ As no evidence from intelligence suggests that either the Imperial Chinese nor Imperial Nippon know of the Hidden Novum Imperium Romanum. It is recommended by this Committee that this knowledge continue to be limited a need-to-know basis. 

4/ As the Novum Imperium Romanum has some technological advances that may be of value to the "Escuela Los Lobos Grand Plan", it is recommended that a new expedition be fitted out to make contact with the ruler of Novum Imperium Romanum.

The full story of the first Los Lobos Expedition is still secret. 
Imperial Chinese Semi-Autonomous Zone survivors, Junxiaoshangs  Li Zhang, & Pu Wa with  Erdeng Bing's Chen, Yii & Hiro.

News release from General Sun Tsu-Li, Commander, from Imperial Chinese Dongan Silingbu:

Hero's accolades for the brave spirit of the late Shangwei An Yen, 203 Frontier Company Imperial Chinese Dongan Silingbu; who, with the brave sacrifices of the hero's under his command, has driven off the Hated Nipponese Invaders who dared to enter Imperial Lands. It is even reported that two wonderous Dragons came to the aide of Imperial Chinese forces. There can be no greater proof that Imperial China is under the protection of the Heavens and the Jade Emperor! Long Live the Imperial Chinese Semi-Autonomous Zone and Long Live Great Emperor Yuan Shikai!

Sick with fever ads snake venom, Ren wanders the jungle, eventually floating down a river on a log where he was found by an Imperial Nippon Navy river patrol boat.

Southeast Asia Command report to Imperial HQ on the patrol Seven-16A under command the Rikugun-Shoi Izu Takomi.  After a through interrogation of Itto Kaishi Ren, now deceased, it appears that the patrol met and destroyed a patrol of Imperial Chinese Ototta soldiers. That point is clear, then Ren became raving about snakes and metal men destroying the patrol. We believe that these ravings are due to fever and the lasting effects of snake venom. Unfortunately, as a lowly Itto Kaishi, Ren was unable to identify the location of the battle with the Chinese, it is somewhere in a thousand square kilometers of contested territory. It is recommended that stronger patrols be sent into the entire contested area to clear it of the Ototta presence.

Novum Imperium Romanum

The secret of the underground, hidden New Roman Empire of Counsel Julius Augusts XXIII may have leaked, out or possibly it can be contained by "Agents Provocateurs." Only time will tell...the story continues. Note, as both Shangwei An Yen and  Rikugun-Shoi Izu Takomi survived and are currently held by the Novum Imperium Romanum, perhaps they may be of some use in this matter.

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