Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Los Lobos and the Civitas Crystallini Adventure Part Four- Banzai Charge Quick Victory Quicker Defeat

With the Battle cry "BANZAI" ringing in the air, the SNFL charge into the Chinese. Sho & Kenta are able to close before their opponents can react.
No so for Izu Takomi's group as all three rifle armed Chinese take aim at Yu who falls OOA.

The rest of the team close with the Chinese and with a flashing of blades, grenades and gunfire, the battle is bloody & quick...

for when the smoke clears two more Chinese are OOA, three are running (all with serious wounds) all for the cost of but one light wound to Izu Takomi. Only An, Li Zhang and Quon remain to face the deadly SNFL, who quickly follow up into further melee.

Giddy with his victory, Izu Takomi charges An!  Wet pants and all, An stands his ground, fires his pistol and tries to remember what he learned in swordsmanship class! 

Remembering the Sun Zu motto, "He who runs away lives to fight another day," Li Zhang desides to fall back and regroup with the retreating survivor's (hopefully back at the Base). Quon and An are made of sterner stuff and keep fighting. Quon is even able to wound both of his opponents but takes a serious wound in the process. Yet his bravery holds, and he keeps fighting. 

To his surprise, not only is An still alive but he actually gave his hated enemy a serious wound! Izu Takomi is angry with himself for loosing self-control and with the cowardly Chinese who shot him before they crossed swords-he will make him pay.

                                                            Cave Metallum Hominem

With a start Ren, who had been enjoying the melee, turns as a crashing of trees alerts him to a metal monster, He fires two quick rounds just as the giant fires what sounds like a light machinegun.  The sounds of the firing blend into the noise of the melee so no one but Ren yet notices the new danger.

When the smoke clears, Ren is running for his life and Centurion Tiberius Pulax curse the luck that allowed the Nipponese to score a one in a million hit that jammed Heros Metallum's Machina Arma (Machinegun). Luckly the Lux Mors (Death Ray), Fulmen Surculus (Grenade Launcher) and Fumus Surculus (Smoke Thrower) are all still functional. Now to finish off the rest of the intruders.

Grenades and poison smoke rain down on the oblivious fighting Chinese and Nipponese. In a moment only the seriously wounded Sho is not OOA. At the same time, Izu Takomi & An square off, feint slice, feint, slice-Connect-VICTORY- and both fall OOA.

Pu Wa has just rallied two of An's fleeing men when all hell breaks loose to his front, explosions screams and then horrible silence.

Meanwhile to the south, Dr. Jons divides his men into three groups. Dr. Jonsen with three men will stealthily crawl through the crops using the darkness to help them close in on the building Dr. Jons had seen with his night glasses. Dr. Jons and Pedro will cover them from the building...
While Carlos and Robbie cover their rear.   

Tomorrow, Winners Losers and the Rest:

What the Hel....

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