Thursday, June 15, 2023

Los Lobos and the Civitas Crystallini Adventure Part Five-Sacrifices


What are these creatures, they can't be "Dragon Bones," all the intel at Escuela Los Lobos says that Dragon Bones are reanimated skeletons, not flesh and blood. Whatever these beasts are, Carlos wisely decides not to bring attention to his position by shooting. Besides with all the shooting and explosions in the Northern ruins, blasting away at these monsters is doubly foolish. 

Carlos' made a wise decision, as the death created by Heros Metallum is all to evident, And Centurion Tiberius Pulax is looking for more targets to be crushed by Heros Metallum.  

And he finds one, Heisocho Sho, who has decided honor demands he face and fight the Metal Monster (especially as his wounds prevent him from out pacing the ponderous beast). The blurry figure in the foreground is Ren disappearing into the jungle.
Death Ray vs two rounds of 6.6 mm rifle, both hit and score no damage to either target. Centurion Tiberius Pulax curses under his breath, the problem with the Lux Mors is its inconstantly sometimes it has the power to drop a bull elephant and other times it just burns a nice round circle in a targets coat. Enough of this, time for the  Fulmen Surculus!

Grenades away, and so ends the brave Heisocho Sho, whose sacrifice allows Ren to get away from the metal monster.

Unsure of what he might be facing Pu Wa, sets up his squad in defensive positions and tells them to dig in. Yao and Li-Li decide to hunker down behind the deer carcass and save themselves the digging. They will not live to regret this.  

"In the name of the Jade Emperor what in the Middle Kingdom are those monsters" screams Pu Wa as two blood sent enraged pterodactyls swoop in with talons, claws and beaks flashing.  Yao and Li-Li don't even have times to scream in terror before their throats are ripped out.

The attack is so unexpected and quick that the rest of the squad only stare in horror as the limp bodies of their two comrades are carried away by powerful wings. Pu Wa wastes no time in ordering his remaining troops back to base. High command needs to know the truth of the dangers here. If they will believe him that is.

Nippon and Imperial China are done, but what of Los Lobos?

Dr. Jonsen's team has gotten close enough undetected to id Los Lobos two survivors who appear to be washing dishes, in cold water? Lars knows swift action and surprise are the only options. some quick hand signs an go, in quick succession the three guards are gunned by two rifles and the Browing Assault Rifle and Gaston tosses smoke grenades to cover the rescue.

To the sound of alarm bells, Pierre and Julien rush in to free, Dr Linda Vaquero and her aide Dr, Suzzann Sirrandon! The roof guards lob their Petisti Pilums (Guided Heavy Javelins) taking both men OOA 

Kenny realizes that with only pistols and grenades he and Pedro are useless on the upper floors and rush down to meet the rescued Doctors. Lars yells at Gaston to join the retreat. In the confused situation none of the Los Lobos team see the Pteranodons and their grisly cargo flying just north of the team.
Ignoring calls to leave, Gaston stands his ground and continues to lob smoke and frag grenades to hold back the legionnaires pouring out of the tower gate.

With yet another curse on his lips, Centurion Tiberius Pulax instantly realizes that the alarm bell mean there must be previously unknown intruder by the Bastion. And worse, he and Heros Metallum are out of position to easily stop them.  Assuming the foes will be retreating to the forest or the ruins with the ready Legionnaire guard after them, he orders Heros Metallum to move to intercept at his best speed.

The end for Gaston, who falls impaled yet surrounded by dead and wounded Legionnaires.

"RUN, for gods, sake RUN," cries Dr. Vaquero, "the "Killer Robot" is coming!" Robbie and Carlos earlier had moved towards the ruins to cove the rescues team and now see the robot, "quick back to the Gateway," cries Carlos.
Confusion reigns among the Legionnaires as the Pteranodons fly past. When they do start the pursuit, the invaders are no longer visible in the darkness.

Carlos and Robbie make a stand at the Gateway, Carlos scores two hits that appear to do nothing to slow the machine down. 

Robbie's SMG Jams and as he struggles to clear it Heros Metallum fires the Lux Mors , hit and Robbie instantly reduced to a smoking puddle. Carlos runs for his life ducking behind the Gateway.  

With Heros Metallum's grenades expended, Centurion Tiberius Pulax orders the robot to go through the Sacred Gateway to cut off the intruders. But the monstrous machine has been damaged by the Bren Guns fire and its smoke guns arm is jammed in such a way that Heros Metallum becomes wedged in the gate.

 Carlos thinks better of shooting again an runs to join his companions, who continue to run for their lives.

The last moves, Los Lobos escapes at the lower left. Pu Wa and his survivors retreat at the center right and the Romans collect the dead and wounded. Note that Heros Metallum is still stuck in the Sacred Gateway.

Tomorrow, counting the costs, rewards and punishments:

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