Monday, June 12, 2023

Los Lobos and the Civitas Crystallini Adventure Part Two Opening Moves & Casualties

As Duck descended, the SNFL continue to silently traverse the Jungle while An's Chinese do the same in the forest. Suddenly a Sambar buck is flushed by An's men with unfortunate results as several Erdeng Bings panic and a ragged volley from Jin, Hiru, Liang and Zang shatters the silence, and drops the deer. Shangwei An curses the fools while yelling for them to cease fire.  Well at least there will be fresh meat for dinner think the men. Unbeknownst to them both the SNFL and the Los Lobos forces know roughly where an enemy is located, as do others.
The SNLF has its own problems as Itto Kaishi Ren has stepped into the path of a deadly serpent that immediately strikes.  With iron discipline, Ren resists the urge to shoot the creature, rather he tries to fend it off with his rifle and bayonet. Rikugun-Shoi Izu Takomi dashes in and dispatches the horrid creature with a single stroke of his Katana. But the damage is done as Ren suffers a serious wound.

An's Chinese reorganize themselves and slowly (possibly due to being weighed down with 100+ kilos of venison) continue their advance through the forest. Heisocho Sho leads three of his men towards the ruins while Izu Takomi and Yu tend to the wounded Ren. The Los Lobos Rescue Party has arrived in the lower left corner.
Believing that the earlier shooting came from the East, the SNFL quickly set up ambush positions in the ruins and jungle. Sho, Daiki and Kenta set up in the ruins while Izu Takomi, Kaito, Yu and Shota hide in the edge of the jungle. Due to his injury, Ren has been tasked as rear guard. The Los Lobos party skirts the edge of the forest, for security, the Bren Gun, a Grenadier and the SMG cover the right flank. The party heads toward the strange "Gate Way" that appears to have burning torches.

The Chinese obligingly walk into the ambush, as half of them leave the jungle for the imagined safety of the ruins. A volley from Sho's party wound two of the Chinese and pining them and their buddy in the close ruins. Kaito, Yu and Shota cause another wound and pin on the next group of Chinese. The ragged response from the Chinese lightly wounds Shota.

SNLF, no one said we would run into Nippon's finest! With Tan, Jin and Shen wounded, and the latter two plus Hiro pinned, An is in a quandary as to what to do next. Should he move the rest of the squad into the ruins and shoot it out with the SNFL or fall back into the jungle, lick his wounds and regroup. Or should they show the invaders the bravery of Emperor Yuan Shikai's soldiers and charge with cold steel...naaa not a good idea...yet.

                                                          SNLF view of the Chinese positions.
To Be Continued:

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