Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Nothing like a Good Smoke after a Victory

Colonel Sir Edward B. Coldmaster IV enjoys nothing so much after giving the Pathans a complete thrashing as a good victory cigar. The colonel enjoying a victory a cigar is virtually the only time his troops see "Col-Cold" smile!
His trusty steed, "Coldmaster," has come to recognize the distinct cigar aroma as a time when her master is in good spirits and tasty carrots will soon be her reward for racing from one frantic fight to another.
For Colonel Sir Edward B. Coldmaster IV is an officer who believes in directing combat from the front lines.
No hanging back with a group of lackies and message runner for him. His staff rides into danger with their commander or they risk demotion to command of the latrine detail.
Colonel Sir Edward B. Coldmaster IV is a metal piece while "Coldheart" is plastic. I painted them in July.

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