Thursday, August 1, 2024

1st Pieces painted in July, six Philippine Scouts trying to hold back the IJA 1941 invasion of the Philippine's Commonwealth.
Painted 139 pieces in July, mainly due to my starting to paint up a 15mm army for "Lions Rampant" (my first new 15mm army in 20+ years-my first armies were 9mm Napoleonic & African Colonials back in 1973). Here are the pieces painted in July:
Fantasy seven -6 Skeletons & 1 Succubus. Ragnarök seven-4 Jofurr, Harald Hardrada, Thor & King Hrolf "the Just" Kraki. Game Terrain thirty-nine from 15 mm scale houses and walls to fantasy treasure troves. Middle Ages/Renaissance sixty -12 mounted knights16 mounted yeomen/Light Cav, 32 infantry. 19th Century thirteen-4 Canadian Mounted Police, 9 Officers if the Raj, Second World War twelve -12 Philippine Scouts. Dystopian Future one-Barbarian Raider.  
Last piece painted in July, Danish King Hrolf "the Just" Kraki.

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