Sunday, June 27, 2021

Rescue is Coming-We Hope Part Two

1st Mate Ira Faceponder (sole survivor of the sailors) does a runner-better to live and fight another day and all that.
Throwing caution to the wind-the South East and West Town and Country Constabulary leads the relief followed by the Old Southern Canberra Mounted Guides (OSCMG), leaving the infantry far behind.
Chief Shatkaa and his musketeers pepper the Europeans with harassing fire.
The South East and West Town and Country Constabulary (SEWTC) connect with Siba Lionspirit's female warriors. The warriors fall back to the forest after dropping Brown and Belts.
At the same time, Olaf Burkson remembers a previous appointment and passes Ira Facepondejust as three of the SEWTC are dropped as they chase fleeing  natives.
 Inspector Cameron Kanride, thinks better of chasing the bearers (after unhorse and they kill Sam) and halts to wait for the OSCMG.
The OSCMG rushes forward, right into a volley of native fire from the forest and loses half its men. 
At long range, the Queens 233rd Loyal Colonial Rifles drop two natives of Chief Shatkaa's force who decide to retire while still shooting at the Europeans.
The hand of "god" (Tom) cleans up the the dice after the last shot. Inspector Cameron Kanride has fallen and joined the rest of his men. Sergeant Jonathan Jaoons and Joanes stay with the expedition survivors-the adventurers Hyde Michaels Masterjager, Blakly Hampton Quecumber-Sandwich III, Sir Albrect Fcyponts , Dodoje Roonveld, Bamse Roonveld, and Ian Bakker Smutts. Apart from Olaf Burkson and 1st Mate Ira Faceponder, the rest of the expedition is dead.
Never fear the Queens 233rd Loyal Colonial Rifles  are here.
We won...didn't we? That's what both sides are wondering. The Natives have retired but the Europeans have taken horrible losses including all the scientist/explorers.  A draw at best.

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