Sunday, June 27, 2021

Rescue is coming - We Hope Part One

An expedition into the interior of colonial Africa has run afoul of the locals after breaking several taboos (looting graves, stealing plants, descricating religious sites...who knew). Expedition Leader Olaf Burkson, has guided this diverse groups of scientists/explorers: Capt. Hans Frierson,  Col. Sir Rupert P. Barnsworthy, Professor Ivy Grunen-Daumen, Old Man Carstaires, and Dr. D.B. Livinstone.

A group of  adventurers has tagged along for adventure: Hyde Michaels Masterjager, Blakly Hampton Quecumber-Sandwich III, Sir Albrect Fcyponts , Dodoje Roonveld,   Bamse Roonveld, and Ian Bakker Smutts.
The boat crew: Seaman 2nd Class I. Ben Shaghide, Fireman 1st class Sam Hootfot, Seaman 1st Class Hrad Earboxer, 1st Mate Ira Faceponder, Stoker 2nd class Cole Shovalar, Captain Wen Bin Lostt III.
The rescue force: Four South East and West Town and Country Constabulary Troopers Sam, Brown and Belts and Inspector Cameron Kanride.  Four Old Southern Canberra Mounted Guides Troopers Jones, Joanes and Joons-rifles with Sergeant Jonathan Jaoons. Six men of the Queens 233rd Loyal Colonial Rifles soldiers Redd, Bue, Okra, Oroange, Blanc-rifles and Lieutenant Rupert r. Rupertsuns Jr.
Sacred ruins, what better place to hold up and wait for help. The expedition sets up a defensive perimeter. As they have no idea where the attack will come from, they choose to protect all points but no section in force. Sailors  (the poorest trained) to the North, Adventurers (best shots) to the West Expedition members to the East and South.
Damage markers for the up coming battle, the number of items equals to the amount of hits taken.
The irate natives appear in the distance.
Closing fast except for one unit who failed their morale-seen in the back right.
Hiding in the rough terrain gives some protection from the Europeans shooting.
You first-no we insist your force goes first...
The former expedition bears, with a motely collection of hand weapons, shows up the rest of the tribesmen and charges-unsupported.
A ragged volley drops one of the angry bearer,s who halt pinned-allowing the elite female warriors of Siba Lionspirit, to close into hand to hand combat. Expedition Leader Olaf Burkson, thinks back and realizes that better treatment of his bearers might have prevented this-too late now...
As the had to hand fighting occurs to the north , tribal sharpshooters drop three Europeans  Col. Sir Rupert P. Barnsworthy, Professor Ivy Grunen-Daumen and Dr. D.B. Livinstone.
Hand to hand with angry natives when you don't have bayonets is not a good thing for the expedition members.
Bravery vs bravery pistol and rifle butts vs blades...
Leaves a lot of dead Europeans...half the expedition is out of the combat!
Here comes the cavalry, (actually mounted infantry but a horseman is a horseman so who cares), in a nick of time-we hope...


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