Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Uncommon Commoners

When war comes to their village these "Commoners" become uncommon elite warriors to defend their hearth and family.
Brynhold the matron grabs her deadly scythe, fools often she here as a helpless old crone-but only once. Akiel the farmer finds his pitchfork an excellent way to make his points.  Bjorn the blacksmith finds that his massive hammer makes a wonderful squashing sound when crushing the skulls of his foes. Ivar the butcher uses his razor-sharp bone cleaver works well on the bones of both beast and man. Anneli the "Maiden" has been a secret sword master since childhood when she was tutored in the use of the blade by a travelling knight that spent a year+ replenishing his youthful vigor in the village. While Gunnar the "Reaper" lives up to his professional title when he harvests the souls of those foolish enough to threaten his community of Dodens Landsby (Village of Death)
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These are plastic pieces I painted this week.

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