Master cook and tribal leader of the "Haf Emppte Pot Clan," Skrtch'M Cleen was my first piece finishe in January. 2025.
Painted 110 pieces in January, here is the list:
12 Fantasy- Dwarf Warrior Queen, Goblin Shaman-Cook, Fire Drake, Viking Warrior (metal), Death Goes to War, 3 Cloud Dragons and 4 Dwarf Shieldmaidens. 3 Game Terrain-Cerberus Statue and 2 cows, 3 Crisis Protocol- Spiderman, Ghost Spider and Dracula. 32 Holiday- Reindear, 130mm Nutcracker (wood) and 30 Valintine Hearts (wood). 60-Second World War- 1/285 Heer Infantry (metal). Except where noted all are plastic pieces.
The three-sibling cloud dragons Hokage (Firelight), Hoshiakari (Moonlight) and Usuakaiki (Twilight) were the last pieces I painted in January.