Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Diomedes, the Forgotten Hero

As King of Argos, Diomedes led 80 warships to the shores of Troy during the Trojan War. He was one of the most successful of the Greek Leaders as he destroyed Rehus and his Thracian's, wounded the Goddess Aphrodite (never a good idea) and captured Pallas Athena's the sacred Palladium that protected Troy.  During the destruction of Troy, Diomedes ruthless policy was "...not a single foe will escape me with life. The brave man makes an end to every foe." He therefore slaughtered all he came upon!
Aphrodite's revenge on Diomedes fell on him when he returned to Argos only to find his wife had betrayed him and his throne was lost (pissed off goddesses always have the last laugh). He was forced to flee to Italy where he established the city of Argyrippa  (Arpi). Soon his exploits in the Trojan War were forgotten in Greece earning him the title "the Forgotten Hero."
Diomedes is a plastic piece from Mystic Battles that I pained in July of 2021.

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