Thursday, March 31, 2022

Jungles Need Jungle Fighters

In the early years of the Pacific War, the British and Australians were quick to realize that the local inhabitants of New Guinea would be excellent jungle fighters to counter the Japanese. Especially if they were armed with modern weapons and combat training.
This is a battle-hardened squad of the Papuan Infantry Battalion; the men have the trust Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) rifles and the NCO a Sten gun SMG.
These Commonwealth troops are metal pieces that I painted in July of 2020.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Having More Marines is Always Good

Three USMC squads, with two bazookas for support, can lay down a lot of fire. 
Trench guns, M1 Grands, Thommy Guns, BAR's, grenades and even a Grease Gun pack a lot of wallop. 
                   Especially when led by a salty Gunny who knows all the ropes!

                                          I painted these plastic pieces in January of 2021.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

WIP June 2020

 In June 2020 I was working on World War II British Aussie Infantry, WWII Russian t43-85 and tanker riders, A huge lizardman Boss, a 18th century naval cannon, Samurai warrior, three WWII Germans and a Mystic Battles warrior. Check below to see the finished pieces:





Monday, March 28, 2022

Panzers Foe-57mm ATG


Hiding while waiting for a target, this M1 57mm ATG is ready to fire its lethal rounds.
Based on the British 6 pdr ATG, the 57mm (2.24 inches) was produced and used by US forces throughout the war.
the M1 had a slightly longer, and therefore higher muzzle velocity than the British 6 pdr. Even though they were smaller than the 75mm, using the latest Armor-Piercing, Discarding Sabot (APDS) rounds gave the 57mm a fighting chance against most German late war AFV's.
The US produced 15,600+ 57mm guns and the British produced more than 36,000 6 pdrs. While dropped by the US military in the 1950's the 57mm continued to see combat duties in other armies until the 1970's.

                                I put together this metal piece in August of 2020.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

My "I-Beam" will Beat Your Sword Everytime

Why bother using a sword when you can smash your opponent with a quarter ton I-Beam? This steam powered mortified war-creature has chosen just such a close combat weapon. 
                                                    I painted this plastic piece in July of 2020.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Bellerophon-Hero to the Rescue

Riding the winged horse Pegasus, the Greek Hero Bellerophon readies to battle the dreaded monster, Chimera.
Pegasus was a gift to Bellerophon from his sea god father Poseidon. The winged horse was of great assistance in Bellerophon's battle with the fire breathing snake/goat/lion Chimera.
Some stories say that his grandfather was the doomed Sisyphus (see World Historyprof: Between a Rock and a Hard Place for more on Sisyphus).
In the end Pegasus was the cause of Bellerophon's death; as in his hubris the hero attempted to ride his winged steed in a foolish attempt to enter the god's realm of Olympus, he lost his seat and fell to his death.
Bellerophon and Pegasus are plastic pieces from Mystic battles that I painted in 2020.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tough Luck, We See You First

A quick search for the enemy, fast orders and this Afrika Korps squad is ready for action

These are plastic pieces I painted in July 2021.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Desert is Everyone's Enemy

The heat of the desert was a non-partisan enemy to all sides in the North African Theater.

I painted these heat baked troops in April 2021.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

MMG, the Squads Local Fire Support

By the end of the War, the air cooled M1919 Browing .30 Cal. medium Machine Gun was becoming the standard squad support MMG in the US military. Here we have a USMC team,
I painted this plastic team in Dec. 2020.

Monday, March 21, 2022

105-Backbone of the Field Artillery

This crew of this USMC 105 is ready to give quick, accurate fire support to their infantry brothers.

The 105mm (4.1 inch) M2A1 Howitzer was the mainstay light field piece for the US military from 1941 to the mid 50's. The robust weapon was designed to give long and hard service (Canada retired its last 105's in 1997 while they are still in use in the Philippines) and was popular with the troops.
At a rate of 10 rounds per minute the105 was capable of firing a variety of shells including High Explosive (HE), High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Smoke and White Phosphorus (WP) at ranges up to 11,270 m (7 miles). The projectiles weighed up to 15.56 kg (34 lbs). 

This is a metal piece with metal troops that I put together and painted in July 2020.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Eastern Front Russian Hordes

Lots of manpower was the hallmark of the Soviet Army in the Second World War Two.
"Quanty has a Quality all its own" really applied to the Russians in the Great Patriotic War. 

                                                 I painted these plastic Russians in 2019

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Today's Worktable

Today's WIP are all plastic. in front are 19 Lace Wars 18th century pieces. Some will be like the 3 partially painted grenadiers, but most will be a mix of French line and grenadiers.
In the back is Blackpool from Atomic Mass Games.  To his right are two British in tropical kit.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Once a King-Now a Judge of the Dead

Minos, mortal son of Zeus, once king of Crete of labyrinth and Minotaur fame. Bringer of law to Crete.
Upon his death was appointed one of the three Judges of the Dead!
In Hades, his was the deciding third vote, for he was the arbitrator when 
his two stepbrothers Aeacus and Rhadamanths could not make a decision on a soul's placement in Hades.
 This is a plastic piece from Mystic Battle that I finished yesterday.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Late War Germans

All that's left of a German squad in 1945, two men with and MG42, a soldier and an officer armed with the StG 44 Assault Rifles, all excellent weapons, but too little to stop the Russian juggernaut.
I normally don't paint Late War Germans, but these were a freebie pack I put together and painted in 2019.