Friday, January 3, 2025

The Merchant and the Peasant

John Shepard try's to make a trade for some of his wool with merchant Conrad d' Andreville. 
John's wool is of low quality, and he is willing to take whatever d' Andreville offers.
The deal made, d' Andreville shows where the peasant is to deliver the wool.
With the trad completed, d' Andreville calls for his hounds and prepares to leave the village.
These are 15mm plastic pieces I painted in December.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Cold War Nato Armor

A small selection of British and US tanks, the bottom four are British Centurions. The next six are M-60's.
The four light tanks to the right are M551 Sheridan's with the 152mm gun/launcher rather than a conventional cannon. To their rear are six M-60 A1's with four M-60 A2 "Starships" also armed with the 152mm gun/launcher.

These are metal 1/285 Micro GHQ Armor that I painted in 1977. I used to have a full armored division (mixed US and British Pieces-it was a wargame unit after all) of these fine beasties and had great fun throwing them into games against their Soviet West Pack foes in the late '70's. Alas those days are long gone as are most of the pieces that I gave away as I shifted my focus into World War II 1/285 scale using the old "Panzer War" rules.