Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Goblin Battle Standard-Totem

Goblins are not much into honor and authority, except by brute strength, but they do believe in the magical power of battle standard-totems
Especially on that shows off pieces of the more powerful enemies they have defeated in combat.

These are plastic pieces I painted last month.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Pieces Painted in February '25

Thes "Strong-In-The-Arm" Assassins were my first pieces finished in February.\Had a lot going on in February, so I only painted 64 pieces.
9 Fantasy- 4 Orcs & 5 Assassins all plastic. 6 19th Century- 2 Limbers & 4 Artillery Pieces all plastic. 5 Second World War- 5 Metal 1/285 T-34 76's. 12 Terrain- 2 Pillboxes, 4 island trees & 4 Victory Points. 32 Holidays- 2 Wooden Nutcrackers and 30 Wood Valentine Hearts. 
These War Between the States artillery limbers were my last pieces I painted last month.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Morning Drumroll

With the early sun, drummer Attmost B. Loudermont of the 24th practices his long roll amid the palm trees while his mates rest in the barracks. Hopefully out of range of hearing him.

Attmost is a metal piece I painted this year while the palm trees are a game terrain piece I made yesterday.

Monday, February 24, 2025

POL Life Blood of Mechanized Warfare


This POL terrain piece I kit-bashed makes a nice VP for Bolt Action.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

An the Limber's Have Stopped Rolling Along


Two Union artillery limbers, wait in an artillery park.
After serving and restocking ammunition, they will be ready to join an artillery battery for the next engagement.
As these are for 12pdr "Napoleons," they will carry 28 rounds each.
These are plastic pieces I painted this week.

Friday, February 21, 2025

It's Always Time For Painting Nutcrackers

My wife loves Nutcrackers, so I decided to paint a few more for next Christmas for her.
These are simple wood pieces that I paint for her Nutcracker tree that we have every year. All our Christmas trees have themes-in Christmas'24 we had nine decorated trees. Therri loves Christmas, so we have between 8 and 15 decorated trees every year. Check here for some of our Christmas Decorations of past years-
Here are three of the five Nutcrackers I painted this month.
CHeck here for more of our Nutcrackers including my 6ft Sgt. Preston that I made:

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Heat vs Armor is Always Painful

With a feeling of his back armor heating up, our brave cursed hoplite, Hiktos Nuluk, realizes his next battle vs some devilish monster is at hand.
Devilish is right as he has to combat a Fire Drake, a creature literally made of "Hells Fire."

the Fire Drake is a piece from Monolith's Joan of Arc game. To give an interesting comparison of size, the foot warrior pieces in Joan of Arc are only about the height of the hoplite's (a 25mm piece) knees.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Messages in Stone

Two stone markers that address travelers of two totally different races and technologies.
To the right is and ancient warning in hieroglyphics that tells the warry wanders of the hidden dangers that lay in wait among the dunes. 
While on the left is futuristic "Waystone" for the teleportation of those who know its secret ways of usage.
Both are plastic pieces that I recently painted.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

January 2025 Figures Painted

Master cook and tribal leader of the "Haf Emppte Pot Clan," Skrtch'M Cleen was my first piece finishe in January. 2025.
Painted 110 pieces in January, here is the list:
12 Fantasy- Dwarf Warrior Queen, Goblin Shaman-Cook, Fire Drake, Viking Warrior (metal), Death Goes to War, 3 Cloud Dragons and 4 Dwarf Shieldmaidens. 3 Game Terrain-Cerberus Statue and 2 cows, 3 Crisis Protocol- Spiderman, Ghost Spider and Dracula. 32 Holiday- Reindear, 130mm Nutcracker (wood) and 30 Valintine Hearts (wood). 60-Second World War- 1/285 Heer Infantry (metal). Except where noted all are plastic pieces.

The three-sibling cloud dragons Hokage (Firelight), Hoshiakari (Moonlight) and Usuakaiki (Twilight) were the last pieces I painted in January.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Small Game Terrain to Enhance the Battlefield

Small game terrain adds a bit of scenic interest to any miniature battle. Here is a sample of some pieces I have painted as well as some I have kit-bashed (k/b) together.

Cargo Barrels.
Battle Trophies. (k/b)
Treasures. (k/b)
Weapons Stash. (k/b)
Statue of the God Horus.
Tiki God.
Battle Debris. 
Ancient Statues.
Mystic Runes.
Common City Items...
Like a Vending Machine...
Street Lights...
or a "Hog."
Trees from a forlorn glade.
and ancient mystical sword in the woods.
Power Junction.
Artillery Depot. (k/b)
Shield and Weapons Rack. (k/b)
Dragon Skulls.
Mechanics Toolbox.
Mystic Caldron and Hatching Dragon
Magical Images.
Warnings of Danger
Pastoral Scene.
                                                           All are plastic and/or wood pieces.