Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Norn's-Controllers of the Fates of Men

The nightmares of your dreams come to life-or-death, when the Norn's come to visit. Urd ("what has happened"), Verdandi ("what is happening") and Skuld ("what should happen") are three Norns's who create and control the fates of Men and Gods alike.

 Be it by casting of wooden lots, the carving and throwing of Runes or the weaving of the cloth of life, the Norn's determined the fate of every human and the gods they worshiped.
Once their fates were decided, no power could change the outcome.
All one could do was decide how they lived their life and faced their eventual fate.
Malice was never an issue with the Norn's, theirs was a duty to perform and they were very good at it.
With one fate decide, it is time to cast the lot for the next...a never-ending task for the Norn's.
The Norn's are a plastic piece from Monolith's Ragnarök that I painted this month.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

It Takes Years to Become This Important-and Being a Noble Helps

News from the Front-General Harald Hampton Hallond-Hamptoonlan, Viscount Hamptoonlanshire has overseen yet another victorious campaign against the Pathan Russian Puppets of the Northwest Frontier.
It has taken a lifetime of service to her Imperial Majesty has earned the General his command and high standings. Consistent victory and his status as a Viscount also helped. 
His gout cannot spoil his victorious day. Now it is time for a good dinner, some quality Port and some rest before heading back to the capital.
General Harald Hampton Hallond-Hamptoonlan is a metal piece I painted in August.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rats Why did it HAVE to be Rats!

Hordes of rats are on the prowl for food...
any food will do, even an unlucky human like...
the cursed Greek Hoplite Hiktos Nuluk. 
With his back to the wall, literally, Hiktos has no choice but to face the ravenous hordes. And he really hates rats...damn that Goddess of Mischief and her curse. Oh well, time to fight. 

The origin story of Cursed Hoplite Hiktos Nuluk can be found here:

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Da Bears Win-with Defense

Smil af Bjorn leads Kriger Tragen in a roar of victory as "Da Bears" defeated the Titans 24-17. A victory based on two defensive touchdowns; it is as sweet as any other. GO BEARS!

Smil af Bjorn (Rider of Bear) and Kriger Tragen (Warrior Bear) are plastic pieces from the Joan of Arc miniatures game.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

India or the Deserts of North Africa it doesn't Matter

Fighting for the Raj-British Empire or the King Emperor are all the same to these Sikh warriors under the command of Lt. Rupert F. Gaddnctry IV.  
With the support of Subedar Ajeet Sing, the lieutenant and his men ready themselves to assault the Axis forces in the latest action in the ongoing campaign in North Africa,
To these men the enemies of the King Emperor are their enemies and fighting them is both teir duty and an honor.
These are plastic pieces that I painted in August.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Charging into Battle with Wardogs-What FUN

Sir John Tadbolt and his killer hounds Sang and Tripes enjoy nothing as much as a battle to the death.
The death of their opponents that is.
Then it's, loot the bodies, collect their weapons and armor and ...feed the Wardogs!
This is a15mm plastic piece I painted in August.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day


Micky "Bullyboy" Robbretts has rolled up his sleeves to enjoy todays Labor Day festivities. Hope your holiday is as fun as his. Happy Labor Day all!

Micky is a metal peace from the old Space 1889 figures. I painted him about 10 years ago.