Saturday, July 6, 2024

One Man Army

                                                    Gunnery Seargent John Basilone

When the fighting gets tough you want someone like USMC Gunnery Sergent John Basilone, aka "Manila John" on your side. This super tough 26-year-old Marine was one of the many heroes of the 1st Marine Division who fought in the 1942, Hell that was Guadalcanal. As the commander of two machinegun sections of Company "D" 1st Btn. (Lt. Col. Chesty Puller C.O.) 7th Regt. 1st Marine Division, Gunny and his men held a key section of the Lugna Perimeter during the 24-26 Oct. 1942, "Battle for Henderson Field."  Facing ongoing assaults from a Japanese force of some 3000 troops, John fought tirelessly during the three-day battle. Even when his 25-man detachment was reduced to John and only two men, the "One Man Army" that was Gunny Basilone held off the determined assaults of the Japanese till the battle ended.  In the words of one of his men, Pvt. 1st Class Nash Phillips, "Basilone had a machine gun on the go for three days and nights without sleep, rest or food...and causing the Japanese lots of trouble." For his actions during the battle Basilone earned the nation's highest award for bravery above and beyond the call of duty, the "Congressional Medal of Honor."
After a War Bond Tour, Gunny Basilone was offered an officer's commission which he turned down while asking to return to combat duty which was denied. He was then offered a training position at Camp Penelton which he turned down while asking to return to combat duty. His request was granted, and he landed in the first wave on Iwo Jima with Company "C" 1st Btn. 27th Reg. 5th Marine Division. In the thick of action as always, single handedly took out a Japanese machinegun strong point that was pinning down his unit. He then led his men to Airfield #1 where, under heavy small arms and mortar fire, he helped save a Maine tank. It was here that the 29-year-old was fatally wounded. For his actions on "Iwo," Basilone was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross becoming the only Marine to ever be awarded the two highest medals for bravery the Navy Service awards.
Gunnery Sergent John Basilone is a metal piece I painted in 2019.

Friday, July 5, 2024

We Like To Make Things Go Boom!

Some people just like to make things go boom. To them it's like every day is the 4th of July. Here are a few of these "explosive personalities:"
Piro Fryyer specializes in taking out nasty combat Warjacks in the never-ending wars in the world of Warmachines.
Ilene knows the best way to take down an enemy is with massive firepower.
Doctor Himm B. Luunny knows magic can't hold a candle to science. Especially his "Mad Explosive Rocket Science!"
"Ready, aim, explosive fire harpoon away!" yells Captain Ahhaab hero of the Empire vs the evil forces of Mologh.
The "Professor," Walter Cavendish, is ready to demonstrate his latest electrical storm invention to those who said he could never do it-now he'll show them-he'll show them all-Baraa Haa Haaa!
Armed with his latest creation, the Atom Blaster Hand Cannon Mark IV - "the Blue Death," Dr. Butio Atomicus is ready to lay waste to those fools who said he was crazy-Ha HA HAA HAAAAA! Just because the Marks I-II and III had slight "problems" and several labs were reduced to blue rubble, is no reason to doubt his sanity or his creations power.  "Yes, the doubters will pay for their lack of faith in the GREAT DR. ATOMICUS!"
Two Rocketeers of Menoth prepare to fire off the latest rocket design from the Warmasters arsenal.
One man's "MAD SCIENCE" is just another man's scientific imagination set free such as Dr. Johon Rippinoff and his "Doom Ray." "Is this Mad he says, HA it is but a whim full filled."
"I'm no anarchist" says Rene Sprengstoff, just a hired mercenary as he readies a little "Night Music" for his latest assignment. His one rule, "I never blow-up innocents."

I painted all these "Explosive Experts" in the last two decades.

Ilene, Doctor Himm B. Luunny, Captain Ahhaab & "Professor," Walter Cavendish are plastic pieces from Monolith.
Piro Fryyer, Dr. Butio Atomicus, the Rocketeers of Menoth, Dr. Johon Rippinoff & Rene Sprengstoff are metal pieces. Piro & the Rocketeers are from Privateer Press the rest are from Pulp Figures.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July USA!


Continental Marine 1776*

                               "HAPPY 4th of JULY,"

                         from the United States Marine Corps. Protecting the US since 1775!  
Left to right War of 1812, War Between the States, First World War, Spanish American War, Banna Wars, Philippines 1942, Second World War & Vietnam War. 
                                                            21st Century Gulf War 

(*Picture from Macmillan Color Series, Uniforms of the American Revolution by John Mollo & Malcolm McGregor)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Figures painted in June '24


The first piece's painted in June were these two Dystopian World Femme Fatales, Inadun Gronthar and Daphny Swiftblad "Night Huntress."
Due to family health problems this June I only painted 57 pieces and posted 26 times.
The pieces I painted were:
Battle Debris 19 - 16 World War Two weapons & 3 Modern Weapons. Second World War 13 - 3 MMG Team,4 Motorcycles, & 6 Infantry, all American. Decorations 8- 1 Christmas Village house 6 Daises & 1 110mm (4.33 in) Nutcracker. Ragnarök 4 Ulfhednars. Terrain Pieces 4 V/P markers. 19th Century 2- British Maj. Scotty B. McDrik'r & Yukon King. Fantasy 6 Goblins. Dystopian World 2 Femme Fatales.


The last pieces I painted in June were these American Second World War .30 cal. machinegun soldiers.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Steampunk Cowboys



Steam power replacing the horse
Sniper with 10x scope
Two lawmen, "I've been hit!" cries one

The shooter
Jesse two guns
More steam power on the road.

All are plastic pieces I Painted in 2021
to read their stories and see additional pictures check here: