Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mont-Saint-Michel Fortress Monastery

For over 1000 years Mont-Saint-Michel was used as a sanctuary for both religious and military purposes.
Surrounded by se water at all but low tides, Mont-Saint-Michel value as a defensive position was recognized by men of vision and fortified. Defenses that served its inhabitants well during the turbulent Middle Ages. At the same time the monastery on top of the mount served the religious needs of the surrounding area.  Now days its wartime past is gone and it is tourists that invade Mont-Saint-Michel on a daily basis. 
This is a 3D printed piece that is approx. 100mm wide (4inches).

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bloody H'ell, its Abomination on a Rampage

Abomination, aka Emil Bronsky, the vile nemesis of Marvell hero's and especially the Hulk, is on another mission of destruction.
Once he was a criminal spy until he was exposed to a massive burst of "Gamma Radiation" while trying to steal military secrets.
The exposure would have killed most humans, but a fluke gene mutation saved his life and created the beast now known as "Abomination."
He has since turned his massive strength and durability to the side of self-gain, personal gratification and outright evil.
He has become he mortal enemy of the Hulk who he has fought countless times.
As no police force is his equal, the best they can do when Abomination appears is to evacuate the civilians call for help... 
and pray some heroes come to save the day!
Abomination is a plastic figure from Atomic Mass Games that I painted Last week.
Here he is next to 25mm Brave & Cursed Hoplite Hiktos Nuluk for a size comparison:


Monday, March 17, 2025

Master Smith Kazduum

When war threatens Master Weapons Smith Bamkam Kazduum stands ready to create the latest tools to destroy the enemies of the clans.
When you want to send a clear message, nothing impresses your foes as much as the "Kazaduum Boy Shredder" combination power-crossbow and blunderbuss.
His mechanical falcon with tempered steel talons is also a fine scout.
This is a plastic piece I painted last week.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Duckbill for Lost World Adventures

A colorful Hadrosaurs with his duckbill mouth wanders in the Land of Lost Ages.
It looks like he's looking for his next meal of "greens."
Which means he must be ever vigilant for and predatory dangers, no matter what type. Like...what the heck is that thing?
Oh no, it appears that our brave & cursed hoplite, Hiktos Nuluk has also wandered into the Land of Lost Ages. Thank the gods this is not a fully grown Hadrosaurus. (The 25mm hoplite is to show the creature's scale.) 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lost again, our "Brave and Cursed" hoplite Hiktos Nuluk asks the tower unknow warrior he is.
"You are in my domine for I am Dominus Ferrum Masculinum Rex "Titus" puny warrior, now you DIE!" If the cursed hoplite only could...

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Uncommon Commoners

When war comes to their village these "Commoners" become uncommon elite warriors to defend their hearth and family.
Brynhold the matron grabs her deadly scythe, fools often she here as a helpless old crone-but only once. Akiel the farmer finds his pitchfork an excellent way to make his points.  Bjorn the blacksmith finds that his massive hammer makes a wonderful squashing sound when crushing the skulls of his foes. Ivar the butcher uses his razor-sharp bone cleaver works well on the bones of both beast and man. Anneli the "Maiden" has been a secret sword master since childhood when she was tutored in the use of the blade by a travelling knight that spent a year+ replenishing his youthful vigor in the village. While Gunnar the "Reaper" lives up to his professional title when he harvests the souls of those foolish enough to threaten his community of Dodens Landsby (Village of Death)
ᚡᛁᛚᛚᚨᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ  

These are plastic pieces I painted this week.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Sunrise Impressionism Style

Not a military figure, still this is a piece I painted today in watercolors on canvas. This is "Irish Hills Sunrise."   She is 50.8 cm x 40.6 cm (20 x 16 inches) and is loosely based on these two photos took in the Irish Hills in San Luis Obispo County, Ca.