Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Messages in Stone

Two stone markers that address travelers of two totally different races and technologies.
To the right is and ancient warning in hieroglyphics that tells the warry wanders of the hidden dangers that lay in wait among the dunes. 
While on the left is futuristic "Waystone" for the teleportation of those who know its secret ways of usage.
Both are plastic pieces that I recently painted.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

January 2025 Figures Painted

Master cook and tribal leader of the "Haf Emppte Pot Clan," Skrtch'M Cleen was my first piece finishe in January. 2025.
Painted 110 pieces in January, here is the list:
12 Fantasy- Dwarf Warrior Queen, Goblin Shaman-Cook, Fire Drake, Viking Warrior (metal), Death Goes to War, 3 Cloud Dragons and 4 Dwarf Shieldmaidens. 3 Game Terrain-Cerberus Statue and 2 cows, 3 Crisis Protocol- Spiderman, Ghost Spider and Dracula. 32 Holiday- Reindear, 130mm Nutcracker (wood) and 30 Valintine Hearts (wood). 60-Second World War- 1/285 Heer Infantry (metal). Except where noted all are plastic pieces.

The three-sibling cloud dragons Hokage (Firelight), Hoshiakari (Moonlight) and Usuakaiki (Twilight) were the last pieces I painted in January.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Small Game Terrain to Enhance the Battlefield

Small game terrain adds a bit of scenic interest to any miniature battle. Here is a sample of some pieces I have painted as well as some I have kit-bashed (k/b) together.

Cargo Barrels.
Battle Trophies. (k/b)
Treasures. (k/b)
Weapons Stash. (k/b)
Statue of the God Horus.
Tiki God.
Battle Debris. 
Ancient Statues.
Mystic Runes.
Common City Items...
Like a Vending Machine...
Street Lights...
or a "Hog."
Trees from a forlorn glade.
and ancient mystical sword in the woods.
Power Junction.
Artillery Depot. (k/b)
Shield and Weapons Rack. (k/b)
Dragon Skulls.
Mechanics Toolbox.
Mystic Caldron and Hatching Dragon
Magical Images.
Warnings of Danger
Pastoral Scene.
                                                           All are plastic and/or wood pieces.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Good Pillboxes are Easy to Build-as Game Terrain That Is

The pillbox, that hardened position that is a pain to take out.
Sgt. H. H. Hignsbottoms is happy to show the dimensions of this pillbox
This pillbox is the latest of my general game terrain pieces I have built.
I made it last weekend. The most time-consuming part of the project was literally waiting for the various levels of paint to dry.
Before and after construction photos.
 compare the pillbox to the less protected outpost I build previously...
and this open interior of my first Great War pillbox that I made in the early 2000's...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

One Wolf, Two Wolves but Six Heads?

the brave & cursed hoplite Hiktos Nuluk has faced many monsters in his time, but only the Hydra dad more heads 
but only the Hydra dad more heads then these two spawn
of the great hound Cerebrus.
Well, fight them he must for only the gods know if and when his painful curse will ever end. So unguard you twin beasts....

Monday, February 10, 2025

Marines in Action 1945

Here are some shots from out in the field photographers on some goad forsaken island in the Pacific of the USMC's finest in action-

105 mm Field Artillery pounds the enemies' lines.

Fire teams pin down the enemy.

Then Sarg. lobs in a pineapple.

Ma Duce (Browning .50 cal. MG) always makes an impression when she speaks.

Here comes the armor to soften the enemy for the next assault.

The next target, a Japanese pillbox.

All the figures are plastic pieces I have painted for my Bolt Action Pacific Theater games. The pillbox is a homemade terrain piece.