Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Ammo is Now Your Number One Priority

In the midst of a vicious battle with the Zulu's, Leftenant Ambrose Amber-Smyth has only two words for Acting Assistant Commissary Adam B. Goodenraddy - "More Ammunition!"
Amber-Smyth realizes that the only way to stop the brave and mad rush of a Zulu charge is the stopping power of the .577/.450 Boxer round from his men's Martini-Henry Rifles, and lots of them. Which means his men need an uninterrupted supply of these deadly rifle rounds. 
So, they separate, Amber-Smyth to support his men and Goodenraddy to organize a steady supply of ammunition to the fighting line.
Amber-Smyth and Goodenraddy are metal pieces from Pul Figures that I painted in September.

Monday, October 14, 2024

September '24 Pieces Painted

Three Norn's were the first figures I painted in September.
September was a very busy month, and I only finished 49 pieces.
Here's the list:
Ragnarök- 4- Troll 3 Norn's, Joan of Arc/15th Century-26- 2 angels and 24 warriors, War Between the States - 2 Artillery VP Terrain, World War Two - 16 Weapons Terrain and Crisis Protocol- Silver Sable.
A Nordic Troll was the last piece I finished in September. All the pieces I painted in September were plastic.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Don't Mess With Da Bears


Mauling your opponents is fun when you are Da Bear.
Like today's victory, in London no less. Bears 35 Jags 16.
Go Bears!

I painted this metal piece back in 2011.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

It's Right Behind Me Isn't It!

It happens in every good Horror story; the creature is right behind you when you sixth sense finally kicks in to warn late as always. This is especially true in the case of the cursed hoplite Hiktos Nuluk who is so used to this happening it no longer evens excites him, much.
Well let's see what is the beastiey of the day... oh a large stone troll with a realllly big tree trunk weapon. This is going to hurt.

The troll is a plastic piece I painted in September, Hiktos is a 25 mm metal piece I painted in the 1970's.
For more on the story of the cursed hoplite check here:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Last Stand of the 24th

News From the Front, fresh from the disaster at Isandlwana comes this recovered photo of two unidentified officers of the 24th regiment that lost most of a battalion of Imperial troops. The two brave men are standing back-to-back in a final stand against the deadly Zulu warriors. Of special note is the fact that one of the officers has resorted to the use of Zulu Knobkerrie to defend himself, a sure sign of the desperate straight the two soldiers found themselves in.

The undeveloped plate of this photograph was found still in the camera sometime after the war was ended by the victorious British Army. By that time neither the identities of the officers nor that of the unknown photographer could be established. They will be remembered as our honored dead, known but to God.

I painted these two metal pieces in September.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

We Crushed Them


                                     We crushed them...

we beat them down...

we cheered our Bears on to victory...Da Bears 36 - the Panthers 10. Victory today...what tomorrow holds is unknow...till then GO BEARS.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Huzza-Our Reinforcements are Here

To cheers, a unit of mounted men-at-arms arrive in time to save the infantry and their war-wagons.
They are to the right is the cry from the foot soldiers...but no enemy are in sight...
No! You idiots, "Your Other Right."
Oh, righttt-Charge!
These are plastic pieces I painted in September.